Friday, July 11, 2008

Barbell Earrings At Claire's


Saul Hansel: F.C.C. Chief Would Bar Comcast From Imposing Web Restrictions

Federal regulators are prepared to take action against sellers of Internet access that want to restrict what their customers can do online. Kevin J. Martin, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said Friday that Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company, should be sanctioned because it had interfered with the Internet connections of users who were exchanging files with other people. Mr. Martin’s recommendation is a strong push for network neutrality, the idea that Internet access providers like Comcast should not be allowed to favor some uses of their networks over others. The cable and phone companies that provide most of the nation’s Internet service have argued that such rules were not needed. They have said that they should be free to run their networks as they see fit, and that there had been no cases of problems with such discrimination. Comcast’s practice of slowing the use of BitTorrent , a method of trading video, music and software files, provides such a case. The practice was intended to prevent frequent file-swappers from clogging up the company’s network . Under Mr. Martin’s recommendation, which would need to be approved by the full commission, Comcast would not be fined. But it would be forced to change its practices and give the commission more details on what it did in the past. Mr. Martin wants to set a standard that will make it difficult for an Internet provider to discriminate against users based on what they want to do online. [...] Comcast argues that its approach is legitimate, and that the commission does not have the authority to impose any sanctions. “We believe that the network management technique we chose at the time was reasonable,” said Sena Fitzmaurice, a Comcast spokeswoman. She added that Comcast had already said it planned to change its approach to dealing with heavy use. It is developing a system that will slow the Internet connections of people who are moving large amounts of data at busy times.

Ein äußerst interessanter Vorgang. Daneben know all Internet culture flatrate supporters of course the rates of existing tools is the Internet industry are ready to go, or have certainly advanced experimental condition. [Already -AOL-Time Warner is testing a system that would impose significant caps on how much its users could download.] After the all-you-can-eat Internet could generate stable profits, the model is now on the reform, which we actually already have been done. Due to the stagnant economic situation influenced [stagnant advertising, accounts, or even fall away] had the entire industry reporting poor prospects. The great leap of TWX shares in February due up in the Statement: In February, Viacom Chief Executive Philippe Dauman told analysts the economy had no effect on advertising sales at the company's cable networks, Which include VH1, TV Land, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central and others, to that point of the first quarter. [Market Watch] did not take long until the market realized that this statement was nonsense. The second recovery resulted from increases in the rest of the "All You Can Eat". AOL TM allowed himself despite difficult market environment [more competition], the statement "flat year", or "only son bit bad." An air bubble, the faster they flew around the ears. Announced loud-mouthed "Adaptation developments" in a difficult environment set in the management by the above case [all do, but Comcast was able to catch that stupid can be] as an air number: Software used to the limit limit. If now one asks why his telecommunications connection according to the contract works ....

The asking price is given. Even the FCC [not a pope, but Obama could change for our blessing] is relevant. Exploits the weakness of the provider for the flat culture.

PS: "The normative message is that it is wrong to block the Internet," said Tim Wu, a professor at Columbia Law School who is the chairman of Free Press, of advocacy group that filed the complaint about Comcast For Which Mr. Martin is proposing a resolution. "The deeper message he's sending here is that users are sovereign . If two people want to send a file between each other, the carriers are not to get in the way "


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